innovation to evolve our product
We are WMS specialists. easylog is our unique product. That means an extreme commitment to keeping our product features aligned with our clients’ business requirements
easylog key team members bring more than 30 years’ of experience applying IT to supply chains

global clients
2016 I+D+i investment

More than 300 successful project implementations to date. We are currently running in more than 23 global clients
easylog has an active business and technology partnership strategy to boost our capabilities
Our license of use is very simple and flexible. We define our fees according to the main client activity indicator (for example millions of order lines processed per year)
From “clients to partners”. We embody our clients in the product roadmap evolution. We use open innovation to define the easylog software evolution. Each year, easylog releases new updates including innovative features, technical improvements and new integrations without any additional cost
More than 200,000€ were invested in I+D during 2016 alone
easylog software is available on-premise or in a SAAS (Cloud) format